

Before you use HSpotipy, you have to set up your web server by yourself. After that, your users can access your server and log in to their Spotify account.

All content in this section can be found in Web API Tutorial - Beginner’s Tutorial .

Step 1 : Create Spotify App

Please follow Web API Tutorial to set up your account, register your application, get your client ID and Secret Key and set up your local website via JaveScript.

Set up Account and Application

After registering your application, you can get and set your:

Try Web Service Environment

Mac OX Install node.js

Follow or simply enter:

Keep follow Web API Tutorial and Spotify Web API Authorization JaveScript Example to set up your web service environment.

Run OAuth example locally

Download OAuth examples, the code of the OAuth examples depends on the packages express,request and querystring. Download and install the dependencies running the following command.

To run the web example, open authorization_code/app.js, set the Client ID, Client ID and Redirect URL as http://localhost:8888/callback. .. code-block:: bash

cd authorization_code node app.js

Open http://localhost:8888 , the users can log in or sign up their account, just like how users do in Spotify website.

User can now get the oAuth info
  • Access token
  • Refresh token

Step 2: Python

Open Spotipy Authorized requests .

  • The Authorization Code flow This method is suitable for long-running applications which the user logs into once. It provides an access token that can be refreshed.
  • The Client Credentials flow The method makes it possible to authenticate your requests to the Spotify Web API and to obtain a higher rate limit than you would

Previous example just show how to use OAuth on web browser